
Friday, June 09, 2006

Watch out! I am starting to get impatient...

Ieltsworld blog!

Just a quick message before I hit the pit! As you can see, Jean Luc is amazed at how apathetic you seem to be, I am not! I have seen it all before and know that the successful IELTS students are the ones that are active learners. Just coming to class and listening to me, then asking worried questions about any particular aspect of IELTS that concerns you are NOT enough!

So, shake yourselves out of that lethargy! Jean Luc, I and Dr Rashid can have a pleasant two weeks on the weblog, but YOU need to practise more than we do!

Week 2 is when we 'step on the gas', so fasten your seatbelts!

Tomorrow's agenda:
  • England play Paraguay (5pm to 6.45pm) I have prepared my handouts already apart from an extra two Reading related papers
  • we have the first debate
  • I give you back your task 2 essays (except for the absent Nada)
  • We do some Task 2 work
  • You analyse my feedback on your essays
  • You do a dictation on 12 spelling mistakes from your work
  • I give you a Reading homework
  • You do a Reading task
  • I give you an IELTS report from Yasmeen who scored band 8 in April 2005 on the academic IELTS
  • You do a timed Reading Test - bring the purple Cambridge Test Book, especially Bilal who will get a red card if he comes bookless. I want you to transfer your answers to the Reading answer paper.
  • I check that you understand the part 2 of the Speaking text
  • I interview Jean Luc, Hassan and Bader one-by-one in Room 9 while the others do their mock Reading test

Every day, every lesson will be a three hour grind. It is hot. The World Cup is on. You have other commitments. However this is when the going gets tough, so let us make sure that the tough gets going!!!

Good night, campers!

Reaction please from the 14 dreamwalkers!



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